
Showing posts from October, 2020

The ‘Misery Vacuum’ and The ‘Happiness Pump'

Why do most of us complain about work? Why is job satisfaction so important to us? Well, if you spend more than 40 hours a week on something, it’s only natural that you expect many things in return. What if I tell you that the source of energy does not have to be the same as the source of income . And it is possible that work is mainly functioning as a stable financial supporter while your fulfilment comes more from running marathons, playing with the kids and community services. How different does it make you feel? Maybe a sense of relief? It is okay to not wanting so much from work; it’s okay if you cannot find enough meaning and purpose from the job. All that is missing from work can be obtained elsewhere. Perhaps it’s easier to let go? The late night meetings that you could not push back, the endless alignments that diminish your sense of progress, the forgetful colleague who never returns your email.... Knowing something much more important and enjoyable around the corner ma...

The Imaginary Child

  Every time after listening to other experienced parents sharing parenthood tips, ‘thunderstorms’ gather in my head, rolling up all sorts of unwanted feelings like guilt, self-doubt and self-criticism. I would suddenly feel that on the matter of Heng Heng’s upbringing, my standards are not high enough and my plans are too short-sighted, that there are so much more I could do but not sure where to start…. How to break free from the anxiety caused by our own "emotional trap" and face this life-long role as a parent with more calmness and confidence ? The first antidote to anxiety I prescription to myself is called making a clear definition of what a good enough mum is for me. It is not about listing all the relatable standards, but rather about knowing what is more important for your and setting priorities. It is not about being precise and detailed, but rather about distilling the values and principles that matter the most to you. The executions can be improved through...